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Parliament Secretary participates in seminar on Kurdistan’s resurgence after the independence referendum

11 April 2019 - Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on Monday spoke at a seminar on the Kurdistan Region’s recovery after the 2017 referendum on independence.

Ms. Kahveci talked about the strategic aim of the referendum, which she said was a decision made by Kurdistan’s leadership because of successive Iraqi governments’ failure post-2005 to implement the Iraqi Constitution. She highlighted the political and economic retaliation that Kurdistan faced after the referendum. She commended the support of allies who helped the Region to overcome these difficulties and build new relations with Baghdad.

The Secretary informed the attendees about the passage through parliament of the bill to restore the Kurdistan Region President's powers, and to temporarily change the presidential election method to a parliamentary vote, until a Kurdistan constitution is enacted. 

The seminar was organized by the Lebanese-French University in Erbil, with several former and current MPs participating.