Committees' recent meetings - 27 August 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:
Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee
27 August - The committee held their usual meeting, led by committee chair, Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP). They discussed the notes, requests, and complaints submitted to the committee, and decided to follow up on all the submissions as quickly as possible. The committee decided to visit the Directorate of Food Standards as soon as possible to learn about their problems and shortcomings.
Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee
27 August - The committee held a meeting to discuss requests and complaints sent to them by martyrs’ families. The chair, Ms. Sawsan Mirkhan (KDP), urged the committee to respond more quickly to the public’s requests.
The committee are looking into the failure to pay compensation to Kurdistan’s victims of the war against ISIS, even though Kurdistan's share has been fixed in Iraq’s 2019 budget, under Paragraph b, Point 3. Kurdistan’s victims of the war against ISIS have not received it.
The committee discussed mass graves that are still being discovered; visiting Baghdad; amending the law on the rights and privileges of victims’ families and on their compensation; correcting the lists of martyrs; the cases of political prisoners; putting into parliament’s sittings agenda the designation of a day of remembrance for all of the Kurdish massacres and genocides and studying the needs and complaints of Badinan area genocide survivors and victims’ families.