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Deputy Speaker Hawrami bids farewell to outgoing French Consul General Dominique Mas

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 20th August bid farewell to France’s outgoing Consul General, Mr. Dominique Mas, and thanked him for his work in Kurdistan Region in the past three years.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked Mr. Mas for continuing France’s close and historic friendship with Kurdistan. He said, “We appreciate France’s historic support for the Kurdistani cause and for protecting our shared values. France has always supported Kurdistan at critical moments.”

Mr. Mas thanked Parliament’s Presidency and MPs for their help during his mission and for supporting the Consulate’s work. He said, “France has helped Kurdistan in many ways, but we can never repay what Kurdistan did for us in the war against ISIS.”

Mr. Hawrami wished Mr. Mas success in his future diplomatic postings, and said that Parliament will assist the new incoming Consul General in their work.