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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Italy’s Consul Ms. Serena Muroni discuss latest political developments

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 26th August met with Ms. Serena Muroni, Italy’s Consul in Kurdistan Region, to discuss Parliament’s work and plans, and the latest political developments.

Ms. Muroni said that she was encouraged to see MPs in this term of Parliament very active in committees and in drafting legislation. She said that Parliament explaining and communicating its work to the public is very important.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Parliament’s Presidency wants to increase the public’s trust in Parliament. Parliament’s Presidency has met with the government cabinet and heads of parliamentary blocs to ensure that there is strong cooperation on the shared goals of reform, efficiency and better public services.

Some of the legislative priorities are bills that are needed to deliver the government’s agenda, amendments to the election law, and drafting the Kurdistan constitution, he said.

 Mr. Hawrami added that a group of Kurdistan Parliament MPs will meet Iraqi Parliament MPs, including the Kurdish blocs, to discuss better communication on Iraqi legislation that affects Kurdistan.

Regarding the security situation, the Deputy Speaker said that there is real risk of the reemergence of ISIS, and he thanked the Italian government for their assistance during the war and humanitarian crisis. Consul Muroni assured him that Italy’s policy of supporting the Kurdistan Region and Iraq against ISIS will continue.

Mr. Hawrami said that the situation in Kirkuk must be normalized and the Peshmerga and official Iraqi forces should jointly manage security around Kirkuk.