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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Korea’s Consul General Mr. Choi Kwang-Jin discuss inter-parliamentary relations

Kurdistan Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Korea’s Consul General Mr. Choi Kwang-Jin on 29 August discussed plans to strengthen relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and Korea’s National Assembly.

Consul General Choi said that a Korean member of the national assembly hopes to arrange a visit for a Kurdistan Parliament delegation.  

Deputy Speaker Hawrami explained Parliament’s priorities for the autumn session, which will open with a sitting on 1st September. The heads of each parliamentary block will be asked to present their legislative priorities for the autumn session.

The main priority overall, Mr. Hawrami said, is to pass the laws needed for the government to implement the reform agenda. Other areas that need work are amendments to the investment law and legislation to put in place a health insurance system.

Mr. Hawrami and Mr. Choi discussed the talks between Erbil and Baghdad to resolve outstanding problems, and the risk of ISIS re-emerging if the underlying causes are not addressed.