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Legal Affairs Committee looks at bills to discuss with Kurdistan Regional Government

Kurdistan Parliament’s Legislative Affairs Committee on 4th August met to discuss legislative proposals that have been submitted recently to the Kurdistan Parliament. The committee discussed 28 bills (proposals for draft laws) and decided to work on 14 of them for first readings at Parliament’s next legislative session, the autumn session.

The committee also decided to submit 14 bills to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) for discussion and consultation. The bills include amendments to the retirement law; setting the financial benefits of government employees; reimbursing government employees back-pay which was withheld due to the financial crisis after 2014; paying financial aid to students; and restarting operations at suspended factories. The Committee decided to direct the bills to the KRG through Parliament’s Presidency.

The meeting was chaired by the committee chair Bizhar Kocher (KDP), with vice chair Abbas Fatah (PUK), and Rapporteur Jalal Muhammadamin Ahmad (Change Movement).