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Parliament’s Presidency meets with former President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 28 August met with former President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani, to discuss the Kurdistan Parliament’s work and plans. Speaker Faiq was accompanied by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci.

Dr. Faiq outlined the plans for the fifth term of parliament which began after the September 2018 general election. She said that Parliament is the focal point and centre of politics and law in the Kurdistan Region, and will fulfill its role of issuing laws, scrutinizing the government and coordinating with the government on necessary legislation. The Speaker said that with the help of all parties, Parliament will support the programme of reform and improving public services, and should work to make Kurdistan stronger, fairer and more united.

Mr. Barzani congratulated Dr. Faiq on her election as Speaker and stressed his support for Parliament’s scrutiny of government, and its special role as an institution that belongs to the people. He also welcomed the cooperation of all parties on widespread reforms.

Former president Barzani asked that Parliament draft a constitution and protect the peaceful coexistence between different ethnic and religious communities. He said that unity is needed to deal with the regional situation and the political challenges.