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Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq accepts Prime Minister Barzani’s challenge to ‘plant a tree and make a city green’

The Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 17th August planted a tree, taking up the challenge set for her by KRG Prime Minister Masoud Barzani in a campaign to make Kurdistan Region’s cities greener.

Speaker Faiq has challenged the Director of Zanyari Security Agency Mr. Lahur Sheikh Jangi, and the Governor of Dohuk Mr. Farhad Atroushi, to plant trees in their respective cities of Slemani and Duhok so that the campaign spreads to those governorates of Kurdistan Region.

The ‘plant a tree and make a city green’ campaign was started by the US Consul General in Erbil Mr. Steven Fagin planting a tree and throwing the gauntlet to President Nechirvan Barzani, who then challenged Prime Minister Barzani.