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Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq honours victims at 36th commemoration of Genocide against Barzanis

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq Hussein, Secretary Muna Kahveci and several MPs on 31st July paid their respects to the victims of the Barzani genocide committed 36 years ago. Speaker Faiq laid flowers at the monument to the victims in the village of Barzan, and made a speech at the remembrance ceremony for the victims in Barzan cemetery.

The President of Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, the Iraqi Parliament’s Second Deputy Speaker Dr. Bashir Khalil Haddad, diplomats, ministers and other Iraqi and Kurdistan Region officials attended the remembrance.

On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, Speaker Faiq made a speech in which she said, “We are here today to remember the tragedy of the campaign against the Barzanis, one of the campaigns that had the aim of ethnically cleansing the Kurdish people, an attempt to wipe out the identity of a nation through genocidal campaigns. On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, I honour all those who were killed in the Anfal and other campaigns in all areas of the Kurdistan Region.”

5,000 to 8,000 Barzani men and boys were abducted en masse on 31st July 1983 by the Ba'ath regime of Saddam Husssein. So far the remains of 500 of them have been found in mass graves in southern Iraq. 

Speaker Rewas Faiq’s speech at the remembrance ceremony

In the name of God, His Excellency the President of the Kurdistan Region, His Excellency the Prime Minister, His Excellency the Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi House of Representatives, Honourable Guests, Esteemed Families of the Victims,  

We are here today to remember the tragedy of the campaign of genocide against the Barzanis, one of the campaigns that had the aim of ethnically cleansing the Kurdish people, an attempt to wipe out the identity of a nation through genocidal campaigns. On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, I honour all those who were killed in the Anfal and other campaigns in all areas of the Kurdistan Region.

For me as a woman from Garmian, it is extremely difficult for me to talk about these crimes against humanity that were committed against my people, and I can feel how hard it is to be a Barzani, a Garmiani, a Khoshnaw or a Kurd from any part of Kurdistan Region and to be here at this remembrance ceremony.

The Genocide against the Kurds is not just a crime to be remembered; we should help and serve the survivors and families of the victims. We have to give this ceremony importance. We as the three presidencies of the Kurdistan Region must use all measures to help the areas where the Anfal and other genocidal campaigns were committed. The Government of Iraq and neighbouring countries must also act to prevent such crimes against humanity happening again, anywhere in the world. Article 132, paragraph 2 of the Iraqi Constitution provides reparations for the survivors and families.

Let me assure you that the Kurdistan Parliament, in coordination with Kurdistan Region’s Presidency and the Kurdistan Region Government, will serve the people of Kurdistan and will prioritise the families of martyrs and Anfal campaigns.

We have to make Kurdistan a place where new and future generations can fulfill their dreams. We must support the people of Kurdistan people by providing them with the right services.

Honourable guests,

The success of the political process in Kurdistan Region is intertwined with social justice, the rule of law, the fight against corruption and ending political party interference in the work of government.

The situation in Kurdistan and Iraq needs unity and the will to face the challenges.

Barzan, Garmian, Halabja, Balisan, Gaptapa, Sawsenan, Sheikh Wassan, Shanaxse, Doli Jafayati, Shengal and other destroyed areas are the wounds that Kurdistan bears.

It is our responsibility to help all the areas of Kurdistan Region and to serve our people and our nation. May Kurdistan prosper and flourish.