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Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq thanks France’s outgoing Consul General Dominique Mas

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 20th August met France’s outgoing Consul General Mr. Dominique Mas and thanked him for continuing France’s close friendship with Kurdistan.

Speaker Faiq thanked the Government of France for helping Kurdistan in the war against ISIS and for helping to improve Kurdistan Region’s relations with Baghdad. She said that France’s support for Kurdistan has been steadfast and that the legacy of friendship has been important for Kurdistan and will continue.

Mr. Mas said that he informs the French Parliament’s head of the foreign affairs committee on the many developments in Kurdistan Region, in which the French Parliament takes a great interest.

Discussing the reform agenda, Dr. Faiq said that Parliament and the Kurdistan Regional Government will coordinate, with the Parliament planning to work on 14 pieces of draft legislation that will help to deliver reforms. It is hoped that these reforms will strengthen administration and the economy.

Mr. Mas thanked Dr. Faiq for parliament’s support for the French consulate general’s work. He said that he was pleased that a woman is in one of the highest leadership positions in Kurdistan’s institutions, and to see the Kurdistan Parliament very active in its responsibilities. He looked forward to Parliament and the KRG working together on the reform package.