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Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and Norway’s Special Envoy Mr. Knut Lien discuss strengthening bilateral ties

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and a delegation from Norway on 29 August discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations between Kurdistan Region and Norway.

Mr. Knut Lien, the Norwegian Foreign Ministry’s Special Envoy for Iraq and Syria was accompanied by the Chargé D'Affaires, Mr Roar Haugsdal.

The delegation congratulated Dr. Faiq on her election as Speaker and said that they have come to assess the political, security and humanitarian situation and to improve their relationship with the Kurdistan Region.

Special Envoy Lien outlined Norway’s assistance programs in Iraq. He thanked the Peshmerga forces for their vital role and sacrifices in the war against ISIS, and Kurdistan for hosting tens of thousands of Iraqi IDPs and Syrian refugees.

Speaker Faiq said that the Kurdistan Parliament’s priorities are to reactivate the special committee that began drafting a Kurdistan constitution, to create the legal framework for the government’s agenda, and carry out administrative and financial reforms in all government institutions in the best interests of the people.

The Speaker stressed that Norway should allocate an appropriate share of its projects and assistance to the Kurdistan Region, particularly given that hosting many thousands of IDPs and refugees puts great pressure on Kurdistan.

The Kurdistan Parliament supports the Kurdistan Regional Government’s efforts to resolve the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, based on the Iraqi Constitution, Speaker Faiq said.