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Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 1st August 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Culture, Civil Society and Youth Committee

30 July - The committee held their usual meeting, led by committee chair Mr. Luqman Wardi (PUK). The committee discussed the bill on advertising and decided to hold a conference to on the issue to hear the views of experts and and the Kurdistan Regional Government. The committee scheduled the first reading of the bill for Parliament’s autumn session, after the summer recess.

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

31 July - The committee’s Subcommittee on Pharmaceuticals, headed by the subcommittee’s chair, Mr. Zana Mala Khalid (KDP), met the Kurdistan Pharmacists Syndicate. The President of the Syndicate as well as the heads of all the syndicate’s branches were at the meeting. They discussed the problems of pharmaceuticals and medicines and the preparation of a bill to amend Iraqi Law No. 40 of 1970.

The subcommittee discussed establishing a general directorate for Pharmaceuticals at the Health Ministry, monitoring prices of medicines and giving authority to the quality control organizations. They also discussed medicine storage, pricing and online selling.