Committee on Peshmerga, Interior, Security & Local Councils elect Reving Heruri (KDP) as new chair

On 7th July the Committee on Peshmerga, the Interior, Security and Local Councils elected Reving Heruri (KDP) as their new chair. At the meeting the previous chair Abdullah Haji Mahmud (Sardam, Socialist Democratic Party) resigned and Mr. Heruri was elected by a majority vote of the committee members.
Mr. Mahmud will be appointed Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs in the new Kurdistan Regional Government cabinet. Per Kurdistan Parliament's Rules of Procedure, MPs are considered to have resigned their membership of parliament when they take ministerial office.
The meeting was supervised by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci. Mr. Hawrami thanked Mr. Mahmud for his service and wished him success in his next position.