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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and French Parliamentarians reaffirm France and Kurdistan’s special friendship, support for Christians and Yazidis

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 11th July welcomed a delegation from the Parliament of France, who reaffirmed their close friendship with the Kurdistan Region and their support for the rights of Christians and Yazidis.

The French Parliament delegation was led by Mr. Gwendal Rouillard MP, Co-Chair of the National Assembly’s Study Group on Christians in the Middle East, and by Mr. Marc Le Fur, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and a member of the study group.

Mr. Rouillard said that the French Parliament delegation came to renew their friendship with the Kurdistan Region, to show their support for the Yazidis and Christians and to better understand their problems. He added that France is implementing several projects that contribute to rebuilding Kurdistan and Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the people of Kurdistan and France have a special historic friendship, and he valued ​​President Emmanuel Macron’s support for the legitimate rights of the Kurdish people. Mr. Hawrami said that close ties between Kurdistan Region and France are very important, and parliamentary ties and collaboration should be strengthened. He referred to former President Francois Hollande’s visit to Kurdistan Region in 2014 when the Peshmerga forces battled ISIS. He hopes President Macron will visit Kurdistan as part of his visit to Iraq scheduled for the end of this year.

Mr. Hawrami said that when ISIS terrorists attacked large parts of Iraq and Syria and committed genocide against the Yazidis, people fled to the safety, shelter and peaceful coexistence in Kurdistan Region.

Also participating in the meeting were Ambassador to Iraq Bruno Aubert, Deputy Consul General in Erbil Patrice Leroy, Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci, Dr. Rewas Faiq MP, and several Christian MPs.