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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets Assyrian Democratic Movement delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 2nd June met a delegation from the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM), led by Deputy Secretary Yaqub Gorgis.

Mr. Farid Yaqub Elia, Al-Rafidain Party MP, also participated in the meeting.

Deputy Speaker said that Kurdistan Region’s institutions are committed to protecting the rights of the different ethnic and religious communities of Kurdistan. He said, “Christians are one of the original societies in the country and are our partners; we believe that protecting your rights is a principle of democracy and is our duty. The rights of the ethnic and religious communities of Kurdistan are laid down in the draft Kurdistan Constitution.”

The Deputy Speaker stated that in this term members of the different communities will participate in the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The ADM delegation said that the greatly appreciate the peaceful coexistence between the different ethnic and religious communities in Kurdistan, they are proud to enjoy good relations and that they and Kurdistan Region have a shared destiny.