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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami meets UK Consulate General Political Officer Sarah Marsh

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 3 July met Ms. Sarah Marsh, Political Officer of the British Consulate General in Erbil. They discussed the government formation process, possible amendments to provincial councils legislation, and Kurdistan Region’s powers under the Iraqi Constitution.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami briefed Ms. Marsh on MPs’ recent vote to extend the current Spring Session of Parliament until 15th July, so that the Prime Minister designate and his cabinet can be sworn in. Mr. Hawrami said that improving health, education, electricity and roads are priorities, and Parliament will scrutinize the next government to ensure that these services improve.

Ms. Marsh said she hoped that the new cabinet will be formed soon. She asked that Parliament support freedom of the press as well as responsible journalism, and that Kurdistan Region use its constitutional powers to further protect human rights. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Parliament’s Presidency encourages a responsible, accurate, free media. He added that Kurdistan used its constitutional powers to remove any leniency that was previously applied by law to so-called honour crimes against women.

Ms. Marsh was accompanied by Ms. Hanar Marouf, Political and Projects Officer at the British Consulate General.