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MPs reject human capacity building bill; reading of Kurdistan Governorates law amendments to continue tomorrow

MPs today, 6th July, sat for the reading of three bills.

Legislative Committee believes government input needed for human capacity-building bill

MPs voted against the first bill, a bill on human capacity building in the Kurdistan Region. Fifty two MPs voted against it, and 35 voted in favour. Parliament’s Legislative Committee asked for the bill to be delayed because it needs input and conferences by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Mr. Sherko Jawdat Mustafa MP (Kurdistan Islamic Union) disagreed, saying that the bill should pass the first reading and then Parliament’s committees can work with the ministries and government on the bill. Following the comments from the Legislative Committee and Mr. Jawdat, MPs voted agains the bill.

Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed postponed the reading of the two other bills to tomorrow, 7th July at 11am.

Bill on registering illegally occupied or taken land in Kurdistan's municipalities

Thirty four MPs sponsored a bill on registering illegally occupied or taken land in the Kurdistan Region municipalities. The bill had already been proposed in the previous fourth term of Parliament. The Speaker asked the Legislative Committee and the Committee for Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel, Tourism, Reconstruction and Investment to work on the bill.

Speaker asks committees work quickly on amending Kurdistan Governorates Law, MPs will sit again tomorrow

For the other bill on the agenda, amendments to Law Number 3 of 2009 on the Kurdistan Region governorates, Speaker Fareed asked the Legislative Committee and the Peshmerga, Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee to meet today and continue working on the bill as quickly as possible.

MPs will sit again tomorrow, 7th July at 11am, to continue today’s order of business (agenda), with the focus on amendments to the governorates bill which the Speaker said is a priority.