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Order of business for sitting of 11 July 2019: Election of new Parliament Speaker

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of 11th July 2019 at 11am:


Replacement of MPs who have relinquished their membership of the Kurdistan Parliament by taking ministerial positions in the new Kurdistan Regional Government cabinet:

Lanja Ibrahim Abdulrahman (KDP) to take the place of Dr. Vala Fareed Ibrahim. 

Shirin Younis Abdullah Aziz (PUK) to take the place of Begard Talabani. 

Himdad Sabah Bilal (Turkmen Front) to take the place of Aydin Marouf Salim.

Bapir Kamala Salman Kamala (Sardam, Socialist Democratic Party) to take the place of Abdullah Haji Mahmud.

This follows Articles 22 and 27 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure.


Election of the new Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament. The previous Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed Ibrahim was on 10th July appointed Minister of the Region in the ninth Kurdistan Regional Government cabinet.

Per Article 15 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, the Speaker position will be filled in the first sitting following a vacancy in the Presidency Board positions, and the election procedures are stipulated in Article 14.  


Reading of draft resolution to designate 3 August 2014 as the day of Remembrance of the Yazidi Genocide, per Articles 80, 82 and 89 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure.