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Summary of committees’ recent meetings - 25th July 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

7 July - The Agriculture Committee, led by Chair Mr. Osman Ali Smail (KIG), discussed the problems facing farmers in Darashakran area, where farmers’ land is being used as Darashakran refugee camp which hosts some 11,769 Syrian refugees. The Committee decided to send the farmers’ demands to the new cabinet. The Committee also decided to inform Parliament’s Presidency, so that solutions can be discussed with the Government. 

Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel, Tourism, Reconstruction and Investment Committee

8 July- The committee held their usual weekly meeting, led by the committee chair, Hawre Mala Star (PUK). They discussed the reports submitted to the committee by Parliament’s Presidency, and decided to follow up on the all submissions from the different offices of Parliament as soon as possible.

The committee discussed a proposal for a bill on legalizing illegally occupied or taken land in Kurdistan Region, which had its first reading on 6th July 2019. The committee decided to submit their notes and recommendations on the bill to Parliament’s Presidency.

 Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

9 July - The committee, led by chair Dr. Rewas Faiq (PUK), discussed the Iraq Financial Administration Law with Mr. Sardar Bozo and Mr. Safin Faruq, specialists in financial law and management.

The committee decided to form a committee of three lawyers to challenge the law in the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court. The Committee decided to ask Parliament’s Presidency to sign a contract with the specialists to begin their mission. They also decided to ask the Parliament’s Presidency to coordinate with Kurdistan Region’s Presidency and Government to deal with the issue.   

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

9 July - The committee held their regular weekly meeting, headed by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP). The committee looked into the problems with a proposed bill on the Kurdish Diaspora, with a view to fixing its shortcomings.

They reviewed the results of a training course on parliamentary protocol held on 16 and 17th July by the European Technology and Training Center (ETTC).

Legislative Affairs Committee and Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

11 July - The Legislative Affairs Committee and the Committee on Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners held a joint meeting headed by their chairs, Ms. Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP) and Mr. Bizhar Kochar (KDP). They discussed the bill to designate 3rd August as Yazidi Genocide remembrance day. They decided to submit the bill to the Kurdistan Regional Government through Parliament’s Presidency.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

15 July - The committee, led by the chair Ms Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan, welcomed MPs from the Iraqi Parliament’s Martyrs and Prisoners Committee, headed by its vice chair Ms Hadar Zubair Barzani. The two committees discussed preparing a draft bill on the rights and privileges of families of political prisoners in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. They agreed that they should do more work together on areas relevant to both committees.

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

23 July - The committee, led by vice chair Dr. Shayan Kak Salih (Change Movement), visited Dukan and Chamchamal towns and Bazian district to learn about the environmental conditions in those areas.

They held a meeting with officials in Dukan and discussed the problems concerning the environment, health and tourism. Later the committee visited Dukan Dam and Dukan’s waste disposal site.

In Bazian, the committee met officials who said that the environment in their district is extremely polluted by the large number of plants and factories, which are damaging the public’s health. They asked for a limit to be put on the number of factories in the district. The committee pledged to support their requests and help find solutions to their problems.

In Chamchamal, the committee and local officials discussed their concerns regarding healthcare, the environment, and public services.

The committee decided to submit the results of their visit to Parliament’s Presidency.

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

22 July - The committee held their regular weekly meeting, led by vice chair Dr. Shayan Kaka Salih (Change Movement). They discussed a draft bill on the rights of patients and healthcare workers. The committee decided to prepare a report on their discussions to submit to Parliament’s Presidency.

The Subcommittee on Pharmaceuticals discussed the results of their visit to representatives of pharmaceuticals traders in different cities. They said that they have collected valuable information and they will follow up on their findings.

The committee also discussed all the notes, requests, and complaints submitted to them and made appropriate decisions.