Summary of committees' recent meetings - 26th July 2019

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee
24 July - The Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee, headed by vice chair Ms. Shayan Kaka Salih (Change Movement), visited the Kurdistan Regional Government Ministry of Health and met the new Health Minister, Dr Saman Barzinji. The committee wished him success in carrying out healthcare reforms and said that they will work with the ministry to achieve the goals. Minister Barzinji pledged to make every effort to develop the health sector.
Culture, Civil Society and Youth Committee
24 July - The Culture, Civil Society and Youth Committee met representatives of the Reform Institute for Development. The committee chair, Mr. Luqman Wardy (PUK), said that civil society organisations play a key role in raising awareness of and strengthening democracy in the Kurdistan community.
Dr. Dana Saeed, the head of the Reform Institute for Development stressed that the parliament committee and civil society organizations should have closer relations and he called on the MPs to hold an annual meeting with civil society organizations.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the Kurdistan Integrity Commission and the Kurdistan Independent Commission for Human Rights. All agreed to do more work together to strengthen relations between the parliament committee and civil society organizations.