Summary of committees' recent meetings - 30th July 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:
Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee
29 July - The committee held their usual weekly meeting, led by the committee chair, Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP). They discussed the Education Ministry’s recent decision to no longer grant permission for new private schools and institutions. They decided to follow up and study the negatives and positives of the ministry’s decision.
The committee submitted a written request to the government to employ the top four students of Kurdistan’s universities.
They discussed the notes, requests, and complaints submitted to the committee, and decided to follow up on the all submissions as soon as possible.MPs from Religious and Endowments Committee visits New Emir of the Yazidis
Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee
29 July – Members of Parliament’s Religious Affairs and Endowments Committee visited Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg to congratulate him on his recent selection as the new Prince of the Yazidis.
The MPs said that Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg's appointment marks a new era for Yazidis, who are an integral component of Kurdistan. They also stressed the importance of peaceful coexistence between all Hazim Tahsin Beg and the MPs commended the Kurdistan Parliament for establishing foundations that nurture and protect peaceful coexistence in Kurdistan Region. They also discussed the draft resolution to designate 3rd August as the annual Yazidi Genocide day of remembrance, and the need for reparations for the survivors and victims. The committee wished the new Mir success in representing the Yazidis and promoting peaceful coexistence.