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Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 4th July 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

3 July - The committee held their regular weekly meeting headed by the committee chair, Dr. Rewas Faiq (PUK).

The committee discussed several issues in the spring term, planned their future work and made several decisions. They decided to ask their advisors to prepare an objection to the Iraq Financial Administration Law to present to the Federal Court. They also decided to reuse the Unified Retirement Law of Iraq, law No. 9  of 2014.

The committee decided that after the new Kurdistan Regional Government is formed and sets out its program, they will meet to plan their business and to prepare legislation on repairing roads and environmental protection.

The committee also decided to look into measures to strengthen Kurdistan’s banking system, and to ask the head and general directors of the financial audit office to meet them.  

Legislative Affairs Committee

3 July - The committee discussed four bills submitted by Parliament’s Presidency: 1) a bill human capacity building, 2) a bill on opening closed factories, 3) a bill on illegally taken or occupied land, and 4) proposed amendments to Law No. 3 of 2009, the Kurdistan Region governorates law. The committee decided to ask Parliament’s Presidency to schedule sittings for first readings of the bills.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

3 July - The committee held their regular weekly meeting, headed by the committee chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP). They committee met with Germany’s Deputy Consul to Kurdistan Region and expressed their concern about recent comments by Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, in which she said she supported the greatest possible autonomy for Kurdistan Region, but opposed a Kurdish state. The committee and Deputy Consul also discussed the strong relations between Germany and Kurdistan Region. They thanked Germany’s people and government for their support, especially during the war against ISIS.