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Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 7 July 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

4 July - The committee’s Subcommittee on Pharmaceuticals, headed by subcommittee chair, Mr. Zana Mala Khalid (KDP) met with several representatives of pharmaceuticals traders in Slemani. Mr. Khalid asked them to brief the committee on the import, storage and pricing of medicines.

The subcommittee decided to have similar meetings with pharmaceuticals companies in Duhok. They plan to compile all their findings into a report for discussion with the Ministry of Health, to work on solutions to the problems in pharmaceuticals.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

4 July - A delegation of the committee, headed by committee chair Ms. Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), visited the Kurdistan Parliament’s office for Kirkuk in the town of Qarahanjir.  The director of Parliament’s Kirkuk Office briefed them on the crisis in Kirkuk and the challenges to their work. Ms. Rojbayani pledged that the committee will support the Kirkuk office and coordinate with them. 

The committee also visited several general directorates of Kirkuk Province that are under the administration of the Kurdistan Regional Government. The officials said that they faced many problems in their work in the Kurdish Areas outside KRG Administrative areas. The committee asked the general directorates to compile the necessary information on the Kurds in Kirkuk so that they can submit it to the authorities. The committee held a press conference at the end of their visit.

Legislative Affairs Committee and Committee on Peshmerga, Interior, Security and Local Councils

6 July - The two committees held a joint meeting, headed by the committee chairs Mr. Bizhar Kochar Wahmada (KDP) and Mr. Abdullah Haji Mahmud (Sardam, Socialist Democratic Party).  The purpose of the meeting was to draft a report on amendments to Law No. 3 of 2009, the Law on Kurdistan Region Governorates. The two committees discussed the law and amendments in detail and decided to draft a joint report and submit it to Parliament’s Presidency.