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Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanks Consul General Mr. Dominique Mas for France's support for Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 18th June met with Mr. Dominique Mas, France’s Consul General to Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the people of Kurdistan and France have enjoyed excellent relations historically and today, and said he hoped that the ties will go from strength to strength. He thanked France for playing a positive role in the Middle East, and for its support for the Kurdish cause and the Kurdistan Region.

Mr. Hawrami briefed Mr. Mas on the formation of the new Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) cabinet. He said, “Discussions between the political partners in the ninth KRG cabinet have started; we hope that the cabinet ministers will be selected before the legal deadline and their CVs presented to Parliament for Parliament’s approval. The Kurdistan Parliament looks forward to working with and monitoring the KRG to carry out comprehensive reforms in all sectors".

Deput Speaker Hawrami thanked the French Consul General for France’s many cultural activities in Kurdistan Region, and said he hoped that France will support Kurdistan with the reform process and tackling corruption.

Consul General Mas and Deputy Speaker Hawrami also discussed fighting terrorism and the regional security situation.

Mr. Mas said that France will continue to support and cooperate with the KRG and hopes to continue strengthening relations with Kurdistan Region.