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Deputy Speaker Hawrami visits Peshmerga on Makhmour and Mount Qarachugh frontlines

Kurdistan Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami yesterday on the second day of Eid Al-Fitr visited Peshmerga forces on the Makhmour frontline and the Mount Qarachugh defences, to wish them a happy Eid after the Ramadan month of fasting, and to hear about their current conditions.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami was welcomed by major-generals of the Ministry of Peshmerga. He conveyed to the troops the Kurdistan Parliament’s best wishes for Eid, and thanked them for their heroism in protecting the people of Kurdistan from ISIS terrorists whose aim was to destroy Kurdistan’s Region’s experience of democracy and peaceful coexistence.

Mr. Hawrami said that the Peshmerga forces must be paid fairly, and said, “After the ninth Kurdistan Regional Government is formed, Parliament will work with the KRG to implement the Peshmerga’s rights through the law”.

The Peshmerga major-generals and commanders thanked Deputy Speaker Hawrami for his visit and assured him that the troops on the frontlines will continue to protect Kurdistan and its achievements.