Integrity Committee and Erbil Governor Nawzad Hadi discuss complaints about smart meter water bills

Ms Shirin Amin MP (Change Movement) and Mr. Said Harki MP (KDP), the chair and vice chair respectively of Parliament’s Integrity, Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee, on 26 June met Erbil Governor Nawzad Hadi and Deputy Governor Tahir Abdullah at the Governor’s office to discuss complaints by many members of the public in Erbil about water bills.
The committee said that Erbil’s citizens have complained that the water charging system is unsuitable and about the installation of smart water meters, which they say is hurting them financially.
The Governor, Deputy Governor and the committee agreed that they will meet with the Ministry of Municipalities and the General Directorate for Water, which are responsible for water charging, so that solutions can be discussed as soon as possible.