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Kurdistan Parliament publishes resolution on appointing Masrour Barzani as Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government

The Kurdistan Parliament on 11th June 2019 passed the following resolution regarding the appointment of the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government:

Resolution No. 7

As per the amended Kurdistan Parliament Election Law - Law no. 1 of 1992, Article 56, paragraph 3 - the Kurdistan Parliament at ordinary sitting number 8 on 11th June 2019 issued this Resolution:

First: The appointment of His Excellency Masrour Masoud Mustafa Barzani as Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq.

Second: This Resolution will be implemented from 11th June 2019 and will be published in Waqaa’ia Kurdistani (the Kurdistani Chronicle newspaper).

(Note: Resolutions are passed by a simple majority of MPs)