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Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed receives letter from President of Japan’s House Councillors

Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Vala Fareed on 20th June met Mr. Katsumi Moriyasu, Japan’s Consul to Kurdistan Region, who presented the Speaker with a letter from the President of Japan’s House Councillors, the upper chamber of the Japanese Diet.

Mr. Moriyasu said that he was delighted to visit the Kurdistan Parliament and to present a letter from the President of the House Councillors, the Honourable Date Chuichi. The letter was in a response to Dr. Fareed’s congratulatory message on the enthronement of H.I.M, Emperor Naruhito. He added that the exchange of letters is the first time that the Kurdistan Parliament and Japan’s House of Councillors have established communications.

The Japanese Consul said that he hoped to build on this first step and create a Japanese-Kurdish friendship community. He outlined Japan’s assistance to the Kurdistan Region in water, electricity, health and the environment.

He added that the recent elections of the Kurdistan Region President and Prime Minister were important for the democratic process and hoped to see the new cabinet formed soon.

Dr. Fareed said she greatly appreciated the reply from the Honourable Date Chuichi, President of Japan’s House of Councillors. The Speaker said that this was an opportunity to develop interparliamentary relations, and that Kurdistan Parliament’s permanent committees could learn from the committees of the Japanese Diet. She added “We encourage Japanese companies to invest in Kurdistan Region, the Kurdistan Parliament passed a very friendly investment law to support investors.”

On government formation, Dr. Fareed said, “We think that in the near future the cabinet will be formed and the ministerial candidates will be presented to parliament for voting.”

Once the new government is formed, she said, Parliament’s priority is to work on comprehensive reforms in all sectors, especially in finance and administration.