Kurdistan Region President, Speaker of Parliament Dr. Vala Fareed meet UN Security Council delegation in Baghdad

President Nechirvan Barzani, Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed and a Kurdistan Region delegation on 29 June in Baghdad met representatives of the United Nations Security Council.
The Kurdistan Region delegation and the representatives of the UN Security Council (UNSC) discussed political developments and ensuring stability in Kurdistan Region and Iraq. Both sides focused on consolidating relations between Kurdistan Region and Iraq, and resolving problems according to the Iraqi Constitution, which needs the support and efforts of UN.
They also discussed the need for cooperation between Kurdistan Region, the Iraqi Federal Government with the international coalition to counter terrorism, especially in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area, which are supposed to be resolved by Article 140 of the Constitution. The Kurdistan delegation said that preventing and countering terrorism in those areas needs the UN’s continuous support.
President Barzani explained the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) formation process and Kurdistan Region’s relations with neighboring countries. Creating job opportunities, attracting investment, rebuilding areas damaged by the war against ISIS and helping IDPs to returns to their homes, were also discussed.
Interior Minister, Karim Sinjari, and the Head of the Department of Foreign Relations, Falah Mustafa, also participated in the meeting. This was the first ever visit by a UN Security Council delegation to Iraq.