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Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 15th June 2019

A brief summary of Kurdistan Parliament’s committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

12th June – In a regular meeting, the committee discussed the case of the late Mr. Shwan Karim, who died recently while undergoing an operation in hospital. His family have condemned the doctors for his death and claim that they neglected their duties during the operation. His family have decided to take their case to the relevant legal authorities, under the supervision of the committee. The committee also discussed the draft bills of patients’ rights and of consumer rights, in order to prepare them for forthcoming parliament sessions.   

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

12th June - The committee welcomed a delegation from the Federation of Civil Society Organisations. The federation hopes to work more closely with the parliament committee on their projects and programs. The delegation asked the committee to look into the Ministry of Finance’s Income and Tax Directorate’s policy of designating civil society organisations as commercial companies, and taxing them as such. The committee commended the important role of civil society organizations in educating and informing the public, and hoped that they will be more active in their essential work.

Integrity, Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

12th June - To understand the work and challenges faced by the courts of investigation, a delegation from the committee, led by their head, MP Shirin Amin, visited the Erbil Court of Investigation. Judge Nadir Harki, the head of the court, and other officials explained the problems that they face in their work as well as other related issues.