Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 27 June 2019

27th June 2019 - A summary of Kurdistan Parliament’s committees’ recent meetings and activities:
Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee
25 June – The committee discussed all the notes, requests, and complaints submitted to them and made appropriate decisions on them. Formed a number of subcommittees to visit the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs and the directorates of religious affairs in all the cities and towns of Kurdistan Region. Discussed the travel procedures for people from Kurdistan Region going to Mecca for the Haj pilgrimage. The committee nominated its representative to follow up on the quality of the travel process.
Social Affairs, Protection of Women's Rights, and Human Rights Committee
25 June – The committee held its regular weekly meeting headed by the committee chair, Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition). They discussed the conditions and challenges in prisons, family shelters, and the directorates on combating domestic violence. The committee decided to meet several organizations that support women’s rights and the directorates on combating domestic violence, to hear about the challenges they face and to discuss appropriate solutions. The committee also decided to visit prisons, family shelters, and directorates on combating domestic violence in the cities of Slemani and Duhok from early July.
Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel, Tourism, Reconstruction and Investment Committee
25 June – The committee held its usual weekly meeting. They discussed the notes, requests, and complaints submitted to the committee, and decided to follow up on the all submissions as soon as possible. They formed a subcommittee to visit Baghdad and the cities of Kurdistan Region, to coordinate more with organisations relevant to the committee’s work. They decided that the subcommittee should visit the Kurdistan Board of Investment and the Ministry of Transport and Communication.
Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee
26 June – The committee met with a delegation from the Kurdistan Physicians Syndicate, headed by its president, Dr. Basak Barzinji. Dr. Barzinji said that there should be more coordination between the committee and the syndicate on preparing amendments to health legislation in Kurdistan Region, which needs to be changed. He added that a bill of patient’s rights also needs modification, to further support patients. The committee said that they are ready to work with the syndicate on possible amendments to the health legislation and on patient’s rights.
Peshmerga, Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee
26 June – The committee held its regular weekly meeting, headed by the committee’s chair, Mr. Abdullah Haji Mahmood (Sardam Coalition, Socialist Democratic Party), with all the members and advisors participating. They discussed the notes and requests submitted to the committee, and decided to respond appropriately to them.
Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee
26 June – The committee met with all the Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs’ general directors for the governorates of Kurdistan Region. Discussed the rights and privileges of families of martyrs and political prisoners, the legal challenges to these rights and how to amend the relevant laws. The committee also discussed how to gain more recognition of the Anfal campaign and the Halabja chemical bombardment as crimes of genocide. Decided to submit a report about the committee meeting to Parliament’s presidency.