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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Canada's Ministry Official emphasise need for continued international support to prevent reemergence of ISIS

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami today met Ms. Pegatha Taylor, Deputy Director of the Iraq Desk of Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Ms. Taylor agreed that Canada and other international partners should continue their support for the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, through institution-building and good governance programmes. Mr. Hawrami said that good governance and security measures are needed to prevent the reemergence of ISIS, and that the root causes of disenfranchisement must be addressed. They also discussed the Canadian government’s work on women’s empowerment in the Middle East.

Mr. Hawrami briefed Ms. Taylor on the Kurdistan Parliament’s priorities for the fifth term, some of which are to enact legislation for much needed reforms, draft a Kurdistan constitution, improve healthcare, and protect consumers.

Ms. Nancy Bergeron, Head of Canada’s Embassy Office in Erbil, also attended the meeting.