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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and US Consul General discuss latest developments, Parliament’s priorities

Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 20th May met Mr. Steven Fagin, the US Consul General to the Kurdistan Region to discuss the latest political developments and the government formation process.

Mr. Hawrami briefed Mr. Fagin about the law that the Kurdistan Parliament passed to reactivate the institution of the Kurdistan Region presidency, and said that soon MPs will vote to select the next president, from among the five eligible candidates. Once the president has been elected, he will ask for the next cabinet to be appointed, and MPs will vote on the ministerial appointments.  

The US Consul General said that the international community hopes to see the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) cabinet in place as soon as possible.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the Parliament’s priorities are the reform package, which if it is passed will save the Region billions of dollars that can be used to improve healthcare, education and fund policies that will sustainably improve people’s lives. Parliament’s goal in this fifth term, he said, is to be more active.

Mr. Fagin and Mr. Hawrami also discussed the latest developments in Kurdistan, Iraq and the Middle East.