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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Russia’s Consul General on his first visit to Parliament

Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami yesterday 20th May welcomed to Parliament the Russian Federation’s new Consul General to the Kurdistan Region, Mr. Oleg Levin. Mr. Hawrami congratulated him on his appointment.

The Deputy Speaker said that Kurdistan never forgets the historic ties with Russia, and Russia’s support for Kurdistan during difficult times especially during the recent economic crisis and the war against ISIS. He also asked the Consul General to help develop the Kurdistan Parliament’s relations with the Duma, Russia’s legislature.

Mr. Levin briefed Mr Hawrami about the Russian government’s 30 university scholarships for students from Kurdistan Region, and Russia’s hope to increase economic, cultural and educational relations with the Kurdistan Region. Rosneft, the energy company, is active here, and Russia wants to encourage more companies, for example in telecommunications and minerals, to do business in Kurdistan.