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MPs will elect next President of Kurdistan Region on 28th May, 11am

26th May 2019 – The Kurdistan Parliament announces that MPs will elect the next next President of the Kurdistan Region on Tuesday 28th May at 11am. The election will take place during a normal sitting of parliament. 

After receiving nominations from candidates and checking that they met the legal criteria for candidacy, Parliament’s presidency has scheduled the open ballot by MPs who will elect the next President.  

The election is being held according to Law number 1 of 2019 (Article 4, paragraph 1, points 5 and 6), which was passed on 8th May to restore the powers of the Kurdistan Region’s presidency and change the election method temporarily from public election to a parliament vote, until a Kurdistan Constitution is enacted in the future.

The vote will take place during this fifth term’s sixth normal sitting, as per Parliament’s Rules of Procedure: Article 16 (paragraphs 1, 2 and 3), Article 18 (paragraph 3), Article 54 (paragraphs 1 and 5) and Articles 47, 52, 55, 56, 57.