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Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed and EU Ambassador to Iraq discuss latest political developments

28th May 2019 – Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed today met Ambassador Ramon Blecua, the European Union Delegation’s Ambassador in Iraq. They discussed the latest political developments and strengthening the existing programmes between the EU and the Kurdistan Region.

Speaker Fareed briefed Ambassador Blecua on today’s election by MPs of the next President of the Kurdistan Region. Both agreed that the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) cabinet should be formed as soon as possible. This is expected to take place soon after the Eid holidays, now that Parliament has elected the President of the Region.

Ambassador Blecua said, “This is a critical moment now because of the current political tensions in the Middle East. Securing the government formation process in Kurdistan is important to stabilizing political life in the wider region.”

Speaker Fareed informed Ambassador Blecua about Parliament's priorities and said that Parliament will work on the drafting of the Kurdistan Constitution in this four-year term. Ambassador Blecua said that the EU can support Parliament also by providing constitutional expertise.  

Ambassador Blecua said, “The inclusiveness of the political process in Kurdistan and the participation of minorities is a role model for the region.”

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami also met Ambassador Blecua, accompanied by MPs Najat Shaban Abdullah (KDP), Balen Ismaeel Haji (Gorran), and Muhammad Sadadin Anwar (Turkmen Development Party).

The Deputy Speaker said that the Kurdistan Parliament’s committees hope to increase relations with committees of other parliaments in the EU countries, to build their capacity and share knowledge. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Parliament expects the next cabinet to send Parliament reform bills, as reform is high on the agenda for the main political parties. The other priorities, Mr. Hawrami said, are drafting a Kurdistan Region constitution; stopping the recent alarming Arabization of Kurdish areas including Kirkuk, Khanaqin and Sinjar; and resolving budget and oil issues with Baghdad.

The Deputy Speaker and the EU Ambassador discussed increasing partnerships between Kurdistan Region and the EU, in education, private sector development and other areas.