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Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 30th May 2019

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

29 May - Discussed a bill (draft law) on the Kurdish Diaspora, based on the recommendations of a subcommittee. Emphasized that the purpose of the bill would be to introduce Kurds living abroad to their rights and responsibilities. Decided to meet Kurdish Diaspora communities through the KRG representatives in the near future, to understand their concerns and needs. Declared in a press conference that the bill is ready to be submitted to Parliament.

Social Affairs, Protection of Women's Rights, and Human Rights Committee

28 May – Held a meeting with a delegation from UNAMI. Discussed with the UNAMI delegation the children of Yazidi women born through abduction, rape and sexual slavery by ISIS terrorists. Emphasized that a means should be found to give the children identity and citizenship, so that they can integrate into society. Also emphasized that the rate of women’s’ participation in the process of decision making and in governmental workplaces should increase. Discussed the counterterrorism law and how basic human rights can be protected within this law. The UNAMI delegation said that they can offer the committee expertise on legislation on human rights, or that integrate human rights principles.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

29 May - Met with the high council for the marketing of wheat and several Kurdistani farmers.  Discussed how to solve farmers’ problems, in particular improving marketing of their produce and taking their concerns to the relevant authorities in Baghdad. Emphasized that the Kurdistani blocks in the Iraqi parliament need to monitor farmers’ problems and force Baghdad to purchase more wheat from them. The committee and guests also discussed the need to reduce imports and support local production to increase employment. The committee decided to increase coordination with the provincial councils to find a way to restore ice-making factories and limit ice imports.