Committees’ recent meetings - 25 November 2019

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:
Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee
24 November - The Committee, led by the chair Luqman Wardi (PUK) convened their regular meeting. They discussed the bill (draft law) on commercial advertising in the Kurdistan Region, which had its first reading at the Parliament sitting of 30 October 2019 and was then presented to the committee for their comments and suggestions.
The committee members and advisers expressed their views on the bill and decided to discuss it with the other relevant Parliament committees.
Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee
24 November - The committee convened their regular weekly meeting, led by the chair by Ms. Salma Fatih (PUK).
They discussed the bill on commercial advertising in the Kurdistan Region, which had its first reading at the Parliament sitting of 30 October 2019 and was then presented to the committee for their comments and suggestions.
The committee, in collaboration with Parliament’s Research Centre, set up a workshop to discuss the bill with experts, academics, and several MPs.
After discussing the articles and details of the bill, the committee prepared a final report and submitted it to the Presidency of Parliament.
The bill will be scheduled for its second reading when the details of it will be debated by all MPs, and for its third reading when it will be put to vote.