Deputy Speaker Hawrami and head of blocs hold meeting on new committees

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 10 November chaired a meeting of the heads of the parliamentary blocks to discuss the permanent committees and the distribution of MPs in the committees. The number of committees has been increased from 16 to 19, so membership of the committees needs to be decided and rearranged.
Deputy Speaker Hawrami stressed the importance of regulating the permanent committees’ work of drafting, reviewing and evaluating legislation. He said that with the increase in the number of permanent committees and the Presidency’s approval, committees will meet in the near future to set up a working mechanism.
The Deputy Speaker said that Parliament’s Presidency would accept the committees making compromises with each other on their work and mechanisms of action. He called on the parliamentary parties to quickly nominate chairs and members for the new committees, so that the nominations can be announced and approved or rejected at a parliament sitting.
At previous meetings the parties agreed that the chairs of the four new committees will be as follows: KDP for the Committee on the Protection of Women's Rights; PUK for the Committee on Investment and Development; Change Movement for the Interior Committee; and Kurdistan Islamic Union for the Parliamentary Affairs Committee. The ratio of committee seats that each party receives is generally in proportion to their overall seats in parliament.
Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci and the Chief of Diwan of Parliament also participated in the meeting.