Parliament to get Government's view on Bill on Patients' Rights and Duties

18 November - The committee led by the chair Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP held their regular meeting. The committee decided to set up a subcommittee to visit Slemani in the near future. The subcommittee will visit hospitals and health centres in Slemani to discuss their problems and shortcomings and to find a mechanism to solve their problems. The subcommittee will also visit Sulaymaniyah International Airport to look closely into the airport’s control and storage of medicines.
The committee then held a joint meeting with Parliament’s Legislative Committee to discuss the Bill on Patients' Rights and Duties, which has had its first reading at the Parliament sitting of 30 October. At the sitting, the two committees were asked to prepare a joint report. Together they decided to submit the bill to the Kurdistan Regional Government, via Parliament’s Presidency, to get the government’s views. The two committees will hold another joint meeting after getting the government’s feedback. The final report on the bill will be prepared and submitted to the Presidency of Parliament for a second reading. At the bill’s second reading in the plenary, MPs can give their comments and suggestions on each article and on the bill as a whole.
All the notes and requests sent to the committee by the public and organisations were read out at the meeting, and all of them were answered in detail after discussion.