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Committees' news and meetings - 6 October 2019

Kurdistan Parliament committees' news and recent meetings:

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee express condolences on passing of Dr. Izzadin Mustafa Rasoul

3 October – Parliament’s Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee conveyed a message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Izzadin Mustafa Rasoul, one of the most famous Kurdish researchers.

The committee’s condolence message stated, “Dr. Izzadin Mustafa Rasoul will be remembered as a celebrated writer for his illustrious contribution to Kurdish history, language and literature.”

“Dr. Izzadin supported the Kurdish national cause for over 60 years. His passing is a great loss to Kurdistan and to Kurdish intellectuals.”

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee meet with Turkey’s Consul General in Erbil

3 October - The committee led by their chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP) met with Turkey’s Consul General in Erbil, Mr. Hakan Karacay, at the Consulate General. They discussed problems that Kurdistan citizens face at land borders and airports. Mr. Karacay promised to follow up on the cases as soon as possible. He said that since 2014, only 143 Iraqi citizens have been deported to Iraq due to security issues.