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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Kurdish National Council in Syria discuss Turkey's military attacks on Rojava

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 14 October met a high level delegation from the Kurdish National Council in Syria (KNC) to discuss the grave situation in Rojava, Western Kurdistan. He met with Mr. Ibrahim Biro, Mr. Kameran Hajo and Mr. Nzar Botani.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and the KNC delegation discussed Turkey's attack on areas of Rojava and the ensuring crisis, the impact of the war on the civilians which has forced most of them to flee for their lives, and the fear of the revival of ISIS.

The Deputy Speaker informed the KNC commission that in Kurdistan Parliament's sitting this Tuesday 15th October, the parties in parliament will announce their formal positions on the attack. He hoped that all the parties in Western Kurdistan will unite and that the crisis can be resolved through dialogue without resorting to military campaigns and violence.