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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Jordan’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 9 October welcomed Jordan’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. Haitham Abu Alfoul, to discuss strengthening bilateral ties with Jordan in many areas.

Mr. Hawrami said that Jordan and Kurdistan enjoy historic ties. He outlined the current political situation in Kurdistan Region and Iraq, and the outstanding issues that need to be resolved between Erbil and Baghdad. He said that the Kurdistan Parliament supports the KRG’s policy towards negotiations with the Iraqi government to resolve all problems, including Kurdistan’s share of the Iraqi budget, the Iraqi Provincial Elections Law, and legislation that violates Kurdistan Region’s constitutional rights.

He hoped that peace will prevail in all areas of Iraq and that all problems will be resolved within the framework of the Federal Iraqi Constitution.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami added that all the political parties in the Region agree on the strategies to resolving the outstanding issues with Baghdad, and on forming a unified Kurdistani electoral list for Iraq’s provincial council elections.

On the reform of Kurdistan’s institutions, Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that all Kurdistan’s components are behind the need to implement the reform agenda.

Mr. Hawrami asked Mr. Abu Alfoul to encourage Jordanian companies to invest in Kurdistan Region. Mr. Abu Alfoul said that he welcomed the opportunity to strengthen ties between his country and Kurdistan Region.