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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes new Head of Canada's Embassy Office Ms. Ashley Durec

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 16 October welcomed Ms. Ashley Durec, Head of Canada’s Embassy Office in Erbil. They discussed the urgency of stopping the war in Rojava and resolving the problems through dialogue. They also discussed the talks between Baghdad and Erbil to reach an agreement on outstanding issues. 

Mr. Abdul Salam Dolamari (KDP), the chair of Parliament’s Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee, also participated in the meeting.

Hemin Hawarmi said outstanding issues will be resolved through dialogue within framework of the Iraqi constitution. The dialogue has been positive and the Kurdistan parliament supports the KRG’s policy and strategy in these talks.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the war in Rojava has forced civilians to flee their homes  and there is risk of ISIS returning which is not only a threat to the region but also to the world.

Discussing the sitting of 15th October when MPs discussed the situation in Rojava, Mr. Hawrami said that Parliament’s Presidency and all the parliamentary parties collectively had a united stance at the sitting, which was on an issue of national and defining importance. At the sitting Parliament made 12 recommendations to the Kurdistan Regional Government, to Iraq and to the international community. These included asking the KRG to prepare to host the refugees within its capabilities; and calling on the international community to stop the war, support humanitarian assistance to the refugees, and press for the conflict to be resolved through dialogue and peaceful means.  

Ms. Durec said that she hoped for the conflict and problems to be resolved peacefully through dialogue and hoped that war and bloodshed in the region can be stopped. She also said that she was pleased to see that the dialogue between Erbil and Baghdad on outstanding issues has reached a positive stage.