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EU Ambassador to Iraq: We are ready to build ties between European Parliament and Kurdistan Parliament

Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 16 October welcomed the European Union Ambassador to Iraq, Martin Huth. 

The Speaker briefed Ambassador Huth on the parties in Kurdistan Parliament, saying that the Kurdistani people first voted for the Kurdistan Parliament in 1992 in Iraq’s first ever free and fair election, and the Parliament was later officially recognized by the Iraqi Constitution in 2005 and became one of the constitutional institutions in the Kurdistan Region.

The Speaker stressed the Kurdistan Parliament’s support for the Baghdad-Erbil dialogue to solve all the outstanding issues. She added, “Improvements have been noticed in the relationship and we are working to develop that relationship further in order to address all the outstanding issues through dialogue and mutual understanding”.

Dr. Faiq also said that the main problem is Iraq’s annual budget, which is renewed every year. Due to Iraq’s instability and the recent demonstrations in some cities of Iraq, Kurdistan expects to face some problems in the future.

Ambassador Huth stressed the importance of building solid relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and the EU Parliament. “We are ready to help build ties between both parliaments”, he said.