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Kurdistan Parliament delegation in Seoul visit departments of Korea National Assembly

A Kurdistan Parliament delegation led by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 2nd October in Seoul visited several departments and areas of the Korean National Assembly, to understand how the Kurdistan Parliament can learn from the Korean legislature’s experiences and working methods.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami, Head of the KDP Parliamentary block Omed Khoshnaw and Head of the PUK block Jamal Haruty were guided by the Korean National Assembly’s Relations and Protocol Department.

They visited the plenary and heard how the Korean legislature carries out the formal sittings. They learned about the structure and work of the Korea National Assembly’s committees and parties, the role and responsibilities of Korean MPs, how their laws are drafted and debated, and the work on national budget legislation.

Mr. Hawrami said that the Kurdistan Parliament can learn from the Korean National Assembly’s work and organizational structure. He added that Kurdistan Parliament’s diplomacy is important to strengthen ties with other nations, to spread the message about Kurdistan as a successful and peaceful region, and to learn from other parliaments' valuable experiences.