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Kurdistan Parliament Speaker meets President of Canada’s Institute on Governance, Mr. Toby Fyfe

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 2nd October welcomed Mr. Toby Fyfe, CEO of the Canadian independent NGO for improving governance, the Institute of Governance. Mr. Fyfe said that their institute is working to strengthen fiscal federalism and decentralisation, support plans for a law on general loans in Iraq.

Speaker Faiq said that the Kurdistan Parliament scrutinises the Kurdistan Regional Government’s policies and its delivery of public services.  She added that financial decentralization is important to parliament, but it has been challenged after the passage of Law no. 6 of 2019, which is not in accordance with the Iraqi Constitution and does not allow Kurdistan Region to have international loans.

Dr. Faiq said that Kurdistan Parliament wants to participate in the workshops on finance and fiscal issues, and asked the Institute on Governance to share its expertise with Parliament, especially with the Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs.