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Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets families of Peshmerga soldiers captured by ISIS

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 1 October met with families of Peshmerga soldiers who were captured and likely imprisoned by ISIS during the war against the terrorist organisation.

Dr. Faiq expressed her enormous sympathy for them. She said that the Kurdistan Parliament does its utmost to help families of captured Peshmerga soldiers - the freedom we enjoy in Kurdistan is thanks to the Peshmerga force's loyalty and service to their country. The Speaker said, “We follow up on all cases of prisoners and do our best to obtain their freedom.” 

Mr. Erfan Barzanji, the representative of the prisoners and their families, briefed the Speaker on all the requests of the families and explained their problems in detail.

Speaker Faiq pledged to follow up on their requests and to deliver them to the relevant authorities.