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Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets with Kuwait’s Consul General Omar Al-Kanderi

Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 9 October welcomed Mr. Omar Ahmad Al-Kanderi, Kuwait’s Consul General to the Kurdistan Region. Dr. Faiq briefed the Consul on the political situation in Kurdistan Region and the recent political crisis in Iraq following demonstrations in Baghdad.

The Speaker thanked the Kuwaiti government for their support to Kurdistan Region during the war against ISIS. Mr. Al-Kanderi said that Kuwait continues to support refugees and internally displaced people in Kurdistan Region. “Kurdistan Region is a model of peace and coexistence between ethnic and religious groups”, he said.

Speaker Faiq said that the Kurdistan Region and Kuwait have a shared experience of brutality against their nations at the hands of the former Iraqi Ba’ath regime.

Consul General Al-Kanderi said that the people of Kuwait and the Kurds have a good understanding because we have a common history of defense against Iraq’s former Ba’ath regime.