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Statement by Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee on death of two journalists and their young son

The Kurdistan Parliament’s Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee made the following statement on the tragic death of two journalists and their young child: Amanj Babani, Lana Muhammad, and their son Hano.
Yesterday evening on 16th October a tragedy struck all of us in the Kurdistan Region, the death of two journalists, Amanj Babani and Lana Muhammad, and their son Hano. This tragedy is a blow and a great loss for the media in the Kurdistan Region.
We members of the Committee on Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth of the Kurdistan Parliament convey our condolences to their family and to journalists in Kurdistan. We call on the security forces and the police to properly investigate and document the incident in the public's interest as soon as possible.

Committee on Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth
Kurdistan Parliament

17 October 2019